Joining the Programme

eee Special Edition Pakistan

Programme - SE Pakistan

Our days will have just a little more structure than we know from normal eee gatherings – if only because of the logistics. Our journey starts from Islamabad – with a full eee programme and some site seeing; an experiential deep dive into the culture and nature of Pakistan; exploring the Himalayas & Hindukush, high into the Karakorams, following the Karokoram highway, criss-crossing the mighty Indus River; then down into cavernous narrow Astore Valley, crossing the Deosai Plains, the second highest plateau on earth at 4850m, gently negotiating dirt tracks to arrive at our conference campsite in the shadow of mighty Masherbrum Mountains near Hushe Village, 3150m
Day – 1

Day – 1

Sun, Sept 15, 2024
Arrive Islamabad, normally around midnight flights, airport pick up, rest and recuperate!
Leaving Islamabad early, we will start our journey in Saloon Coaster (22 seater), reaching the lower Himalayas in the Kaghan valley following the Kunhar river. Reaching our staging camp at the beautiful valley of Batakhundi / Jalkhad. Stay in Chalets Jalkhad is at the crossroads of mountain passes, leading into Kashmir on one side and towards the spectacular Babusar pass on the road straight ahead. We will start our journey next day towards Babusar Pass. Wilderness based experiential activities will conclude our day with a traditional style dinner at a local eatery and night in chalets

 Day – 2

Day – 2

Mon, Sept 16, 2024
Leaving early and driving deep through the Indus River gorge following the legendary Karakoram Highway crossing some of the most formidable, rugged, inaccessible territory in Asia up into the high Himalayas. This takes us through breathtaking scenery, changing topography and eco systems. Driving along Lulu Sar Lake 3400 m;, crossing the Babusar Pass 4173 m; and short hop out to view Nanga Parbat 8126 m; viewpoint. We will stop as often as possible for photography. Will also have drinks a longer stop at meeting point of the three mightiest mountain Ranges at Jaglote truly an astonishing landscape.
Here the mighty Indus meets the Gilgit river in Gilgit Baltistan as the region is now called. To one side of the Indus River, you see the Himalayas which is home to 5 of the 14 highest Peaks in the World including Mt. Everest 8849 m; and Nanga Parbat 8126 m;. We continue northwards towards the great Karakorams, also home to K2 8,611 m; Gasherbrum-I 8068 m; Broad Peak 8047 m; Gasherbrum II 8035 m;. The Hindu Kush range dips down towards us from the northwest and home to the Tirich Mir 7708 m;
Our guides will provide in depth commentary, historical and cultural perspective. We will stay at a hotel in Gilgit for the night

Day – 3

Day – 3

Tue, Sept 17, 2024
We take 4 x 4 jeeps and make a way to Astore, a valley deep in the foothills of Deosai Plains. It's the beginning of mind-blowing experience as we drive deep through the gorge. This is probably the narrowest gorge that you will experience throughout the entire journey. Rugged rock walls dropping steep into the Astore river with sheer drop on both side of the gorge and road cutting through the rocks is spectacular. We stay for the night at a river side resort in the Astore valley (2600 meters). The turquoise colour of beautiful water streams is refreshing. Before the day concludes we will have an experiential learning activity using the physical terrain. You may want to design and run this workshop. Reach out to us for more information and pictures. The debriefing will take place in the dinner hall.

Day – 4

Day – 4

Weds, Sept 18, 2024
Using 4×4 jeeps will cross Deosai Plateau 4200 m;, – the second highest plateau on earth and into the National Park and the himalayan bear sanctuary. We’ll continue driving along Sheosar Lake to reach Bara Pani – Big Water. If with luck we might get a chance to have a distant view of the Himalayan bear. Himalayan bears are large, weighing in up to 400 kgs and 230 cm long and are admirable for their size and dignity. Probability of seeing a Deosai Marmot are higher though. We will cross beautiful small water streams and travel downhill to reach Skardu.An impromptu action learning project at Deosai Plateau will deliver powerful lessons that can be used by Experiential Educators for practical leadership programs. Eventually will get to Skardu and stay over for the night at a hotel in Skardu 2,228 meters.

Day – 5

Day – 5

Thurs, Sept 19, 2024
This is the day to reach our conference kick off venue at Hushe. We start early on the Jeeps, and continue our journey deep into Karakorams reaching Hushe village after a short break at Masherbrum viewpoints (7821 m;). We will drive through the villages that have maintained their centuries old traditions, values, and lifestyle. We will reach Refugio Hotel in Hushe, dedicated to the legendry “Little Karim” and Hushe village. This was a tribute built with the participation of spanish government and dedicated to him. Karim is known as superhero by many mountaineers. We will celebrate the eee se Karakoram, opening session in midst of a local food festival, music and cultural theatre. Night at Refugio Hotel, Hushe

Day – 6

Day – 6

Fri, Sept 20, 2024
After early breakfast at the refugio hotel hushe, we will trek to the camp site at Dumsum Valley. It is a 2 to 3 hours (depending on your pace) easy walk, through serene landscape with maximum altitude gain of 200 m. Campsite is at an altitude of 3310 m. You will be carrying a day bag with munchies (snacks), water, and a light jacket. Your bags will be transported by porters or mules to
your camps already set up. The tents will be on a twin-sharing basis. This will be your home for next three days and two nights. After a fresh up,there will be a routine health and safety briefing, campsite map will be given to you and conference kick off will take place at the conference tent. Only coffee, tea and soft drinks will be available. With Lunch break in between the workshops sessions will continue till sunset.
Bonfire and talent night will continue late after dinner. Do bring any music instruments. To keep the sanctity of wilderness, we will not have speaker systems though 😊

Day – 7

Day – 7

Sat, Sept 21, 2024
A pre breakfast meditation session will be offered for those who are interested at a serene location within a short walk of the campsite. A great idea would be to have this session to be run by someone from eee. We will have four ninety-minute slots for workshops for eee conference based on the principle of co-creation. Everyone participating is encouraged to offer a workshop. We will share details of facilities and materials that can be made available. Please let us know if you have special requirements for the props in advance for your workshops.
Conference structure will be flexible with no specific themes. Experiential learning will guide the experiential learning methodology at the eee SE Karakorums workshops.
A networking tent will be set up for people to have one two are chats with tea and coffee available.
The day concludes with International Food Festival (Chef in the Wild) bonfire, local music, and star gazing. You will see rare stars in a clear sky. The last night bonfire continues as long as you wanted to.

Day – 8

Day – 8

Sun, Sept 22, 2024
A pre breakfast short and guided walk will be offered for those who are interested around the campsite at Dumsum Valley. Three 90-minute slots for workshops. It will be wonderful to design workshops keeping in view the wild wilderness that this venue offers. An example of what terrain offers is given in this Video. The workshops will continue till lunch.
After Lunch we will trek back to Hushe. We will have the conference closing ceremony on the wooden floor of Refugio Hotel Hushe. Night at the Refugio Hotel.

Day – 9

Day – 9

Mon, Sept 23, 2024
Travels back to Skardu on jeeps. Lunch at Khaplu a traditional Baltistan town, Night stay at Concordia Hotel, Skardu. Visit to Skardu city.

Day – 10

Day – 10

Tue, Sept 24, 2024
We will take one of two daily flights from Skardu to Islamabad; there maybe time to visit the local markets before leaving. Overnight in Islamabad hotel.

Day 11

Day 11

Wed, Sept 25, 2024
Optional all day visit to Taxila – extra cost - the former capital of Emperor Ashoka (304/232 BCE) who codified and patronized many Buddhist edicts and teachings; the oldest and largest Buddhist centre of religious teachings in south Asia and practice much of it intact. You can also spend the day in Islamabad, viewing the Al Faisal Mosque and various markets Flights to Europe/Gulf/US etc normally leave ca 2300/0100 – we will arrange transfers to aiport
In the event that flights from Skardu to Islamabad are cancelled/postponed owing to low cloud cover (unlikely in September but ca 10% possibility) we would then travel by Saloon Coater night over at a hotel at Batakhundi and reach Islamabad mid afternoon Day 11 Weds 25 Sept, allowing time for shopping before catching your flight normally as above

*For those who additionally want to trek to the K2 viewpoint or other mountain base camps in the Korakarams, separate tours will be announced on this site later. Please contact us for further information.

About Our Workshops

eee believes is that everyone who attends has something to share and to learn whether just by being there or offering a workshop.

Workshops are given by participants –no ‘typical’ paid keynote speakers or themes or programmes or agendas; no defined workshop formats.

Whatever you bring is welcome. We share because that’s what we do; we give, we take, we exchange ideas. We inspire and seek to be inspired. Participants offer workshops simply under the flexible banner of ‘experiential learning’ .All participants are warmly encouraged to offer workshops whatever they maybe.

How it works

Time-slots for workshops are 75 or 90 minutes, but this does not mean the length of a workshop cannot be shorter or longer.

We use what’s around us, the mountains, the peaks, the valleys, our knowledge and our imagination

The team provides basic materials like technical support, words of encouragement, nourishment. tea and coffee. If you need anything else, please let us know; we’ll do our best and if not, we’ll find a way!

We’ll support you if you are new in, you can have a buddy to show you what goes on…

Offer a workshop

First sign-up for the conference – click here

If you have already registered and want to offer a workshop, check the ‘offer a workshop’ or the ‘welcome on board’ link on the confirmation email which you’ll receive after paying your deposit

Do check out previous eee conferences to see what others have done in the past

Current Workshop list shown here

For any questions about the workshops or further assistance, please contact us.

Request a workshop

It’s eee tradition that you can ask for a workshop on a subject that interests you which has not yet been offered. See who picks up on this.

Check it out on the notice board or contact us.


Co-create a workshop with a partner is a rich process, suddenly you find yourself doing things which you never thought possible; you’ll get feedback if you want it, results in valuable networking and learning. Excellent for first timers If you are looking for somebody with whom you can co-create? Just check the co-create tab on the Workshop sign-up form and we’ll put something up the notice board You can also try checking the list of eee participants who have already signed in. Feel free to contact us.

Conference Schedule

Thu Sep 19, 2024 Fri Sep 20, 2024 Sat Sep 21, 2024 Sun Sep 22, 2024
0800 - 0830 Breakfast and pack up from Refugio Hotel Hushe Breakfast Pre-breakfast meditation Breakfast and Trek Back to Hushe for Onwards Travel to Skardu
0900 – 1015 Trek to Campsite and Orientation Meditation Workshop 1
1015 -1030 Tea coffee break Tea coffee break
1030 - 11:45 Workshop 1
1145 - 1200 Tea coffee break Tea coffee break Tea coffee break
1200 - 1310 Workshop 1 Workshop 1 Workshop 1
1315 - 1415 Lunch Lunch Lunch
1415 - 1530 Workshop 2 Workshop 1 Workshop 1
1530 – 1545 Tea coffee break Tea coffee break Tea coffee break
1545 - 1700 Workshop 3 Workshop 1 Workshop 1
1700 Rest and prepare for evening programme
Bonfire and folk Music International food festival (Chef in the wilds)
Night at camps Night at camps Night at camps Night at Hotel in Skardu