Experiential Education Pakistan

The Programme

Lahore to the Karakorams

Our days will have just a little more structure than we know from normal eee gatherings – if only because of the logistics.

Our first two days will be in Lahore – with a full eee programme and some site seeing; on day 3 we drive up into the Himalayas and will camp at………ft (meters) and will spend 6 days in the hills.

See our outline programme below

About the Workshops

At eee conferences, everyone can offer a workshop or work on co-creation.

eee belief is that everyone who attends has something to share and to learn whether just by being there or offering a workshop.

Workshops are given by participants –no ‘typical’ paid keynote speakers or themes or programmes or agendas; no defined workshop formats.

Whatever you bring is welcome. We share because that’s what we want to do; we give, we take, we exchange ideas. We inspire and seek to be inspired. Participants offer workshops simply under the flexible banner of ‘experiential learning’ .All participants are warmly encouraged to offer workshops.

How It Works

Time-slots for workshops are 75 or 90 minutes, but this does not mean the length of a workshop cannot be shorter or longer.

We use what’s around us, the mountains, the peaks, the valleys, our knowledge and our imagination 

The team provides basic materials like technical support, words of encouragement, nourishment. tea and coffee. If you
need anything else, please let us know; we’ll do our best and if not, we’ll find a way!

We’ll support you if you are new in, you can have a buddy to show you what goes on…

Offer a Workshop

First sign-up for the conference – click here 


If you have already registered and want to offer a workshop, check the ‘offer a workshop’ or the ‘welcome on board’  link on the confirmation email which you’ll receive after paying your deposit


Do check out previous eee conferences   to see what others have done in the past


Current Workshop list shown here


For any questions about the workshops or further assistance, please contact us.

Request a workshop

It’s eee tradition that you can ask for a workshop on a subject that interests you which has not yet been offered. See who picks up on this.


Check it out on the notice board or contact us


Use our social media to post your request soon as you think of it. Check here for the eee LinkedIn group we have over 700 members.  



Co-create a workshop with a partner is a rich process, suddenly you find yourself doing things which you never thought possible; you’ll get feedback if you want it, results in valuable networking and learning. Excellent for first timers

If you are looking for somebody with whom you can co-create? Just check the co-create tab on the Workshop sign-up form and we’ll put something up the notice board

You can also try checking the list of eee participants who have already signed in. You’ll find names and emails; feel free to contact somebody directly. Or mail Naseem or Peter