Experiential Education Pakistan

Why Pakistan

Pakistan is one of the most intriguing and interesting countries in the world, a multitude of cultures and communities, home to long traditions, to the value of learning; countless universities and colleges; colleagues eager to share and to learn.



What better place to hold a special conference than high up in the Karakorams in the shadow of five of the highest peaks in the world.

An Amazing Welcome

Anyone who comes from abroad is pleasantly surprised at how far locals go out of their way to be hospitable to their guests. Whether you are in one of the major cities or backpacking in the Northern areas, a conversation – even with few words is always forthcoming – a cup of tea of black tea is never far sometimes followed by invitation to a local house for tea or dinner. 

Food & Beyond

Pakistan is famous for its use of herbs and spices. Every traditional dish has been nurtured through generations to give it a unique taste. Be prepared to taste the kind of organic fruits and vegetables you can only dream of or the amazing Mithai.

Markets and More

Every village and town has a thriving market culture; most shops or stalls within the bazaars are family owned and have been so for decades; there is nothing they don’t know and will happily to talk to you about traditions